September 28, 2014
Unit 2
Turkey Inching Toward Alliance With U.S. in Syria Conflict
With relentless attacks near its border and with the U.S. government pushing for its involvement, Turkey finally renounced its neutrality and agreed to help U.S. defending the Kurd. Previously, Turkey refused to be involved in the war between the Kurd and the Islamic fighters; while accepting streams of Kurd refugees, the officers guarding its borders had strictly prohibited the Kurd men from leave Turkey to fight against the fighters. At the time, its government disapproved of aiding the Kurd since the Kurdish military was involved with the terrorist groups and Syrian Kurd was connected with Kurdish separatists in Turkey. However after observing the cruelties of Islamic fighters and after succeeding in bringing the Turkish hostages back from ISIS, it resolved to side with the Kurd. Perhaps with a different purpose, to "crush or dissolve the Syrian Kurdish autonomous zone,"Turkey may be approaching the war but it shares the same goal with the United States: to eliminate ISIS.
Now with Turkey on board, I believe that the war with ISIS will be hopefully different from before. Since it is directly involved unlike United States which is half the globe away, it could cause a decent damage to the Islamic fighters. With U.S.'s weapons and airstrikes combined with the Turkish force, the ISIS will suffer and struggle more than they did before.
This relates to Unit 2 since it concerns the enumerated powers. ISIS declared war on the U.S. and therefore, the United States government is using its power to counter ISIS and to persuade Turkey to help the United States.