Monday, May 4, 2015


Hye Min Shin
AP Gov

Glossip v. Gross

In April 29, 2014, a death execution of Clay Lockett was carried on in the Oklahoma State Penitentiary. During the execution Lockett received a three-drug lethal injection that could both render someone unconscious and kill them at the same time. However, the first portion of the drug that should have rendered Lockett unconscious failed to work and Lockett underwent a severe, excruciating pain (burning sensation from inside and out) for 40 minutes before he passed away. Consequently after watching him suffer, other death-row inmates sued Oklahoma for violating eighth Amendment which forbids "crude and unusual punishment" and demanded it should delay death executions. Supreme Court refused to "grant the petition" by Writ of Centiorari. (Oyez)

I understand why the death-row inmates have filed this case and demand Oklahoma to change its lethal injection. Nobody would ever want to face a painful death. However, then again, these people should have committed numerous crimes in order to be sentenced to death. This makes me ponder, ' don't they deserve the  pain?' Since they made other people suffer through death or through other crimes, it's a karma. Back to the point, I believe the Oklahoma State Penitentiary did violate the Eighth Amendment and should change its lethal drug to more efficient one.
It relates to the Civil Rights chapter since it deals with Supreme Court case and Civil Rights.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Supreme Court Rules: Money Talks

Hye Min Shin
AP Gov
April, 15, 2015

Supreme Court Rules: Money Talks

by Tony Auth

Political/Editorial Cartoon by Tony Auth, Philadelphia Inquirer on Supreme Court Rules: Money Talks

The political cartoon above depicts that corporations influence Supreme Court decisions by donating large amount of money. It claims that Democracy fails to exist in America because its judicial system, which should remain fair and upright, is swayed by money from corporations and therefore by rich people.

This cartoon definitely somewhat shocked me; I believed that though other two branches of government might be corrupt, judicial branch would base its actions on justice. Therefore, looking at this cartoon disappointed me a little bit.
This relates to the chapter about judicial system since decisions that Supreme Court justices make could be influenced by corporations rather than the Constitution. Since their decision is not based on their beliefs, but that of corporations, the term "activism" should be replaced by or coexist with "Corruptism."

Monday, March 23, 2015

Out of Yemen, U.S. Is Hobbled in Terror Fight

Hye Min Shin
AP Government
March 23, 2015

Out of Yemen, U.S. Is Hobbled in Terror Fight

As a result of deadly attacks by ISIS groups, U.S. officials have been pulled out from Yemen. With ISIS growing stronger and expanding with its vigorous network activities, U.S. has been losing military bases and has been struggling to suppress ISIS activities. Now that U.S. also lost its base in Yemen, its military forces and power in Middle East will diminish as time goes on. Though U.S. officials have been planted in parts of Yemen, security of U.S. is threatened with expansion of ISIS.

Originally, I did not see ISIS as that much of a threat. I scoffed at the fact that a group dominating a tiny part of a country, compared to U.S. would dare to declare war on us. However now that I have noticed it gaining momentum very quickly, I am very worried.This relates to ch.14 since losing a military base in Yemen means reduction of president's power in foreign affairs. Especially in Middle East where terrorist groups prosper, this could mean that the President should focus more on U.S. security.


Monday, March 9, 2015

Hye Min Shin
AP Government
March 9, 2015
The article discusses about the current Supreme Court approach on King v. Burwell case. Recently, Supreme Court announced that action of Congress, which coercively attempted to force states into establishing their own health care insurances, was unconstitutional. Though Congress claimed that it was an option for states, it also claimed that states that refused would not receive funds for federal insurance. Interestingly, Supreme Court, which would have only relied on the Constitution, took this approach by exploiting the technology advancement: by hearing people’s opinions in media. It seems people’s opinions are beginning to influence the politics and the Supreme Court.

This was interesting because Supreme Court is expanding its perspective and taking opinions of other people through media. I am glad that Supreme Court noticed the selfish, conservative approach of Congress. This relates to our current chapter because it talks about the gridlock and such strong opposition between the parties.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Obama’s Expected Keystone Pipeline Veto Is Likely to Be the First in a Wave

Hye Min Shin
February 23, 2015
AP Government
Obama’s Expected Keystone Pipeline Veto Is Likely to Be the First in a Wave
After the party majority shifted from Democrat to Republican party, President Obama is expected to open up "the veto era" in his presidency. First of the veto, people expect, will be against the Keystone Pipeline, which would allow Republicans to create a pathway of petroleum from Alberta to the Gulf Coast.  Recently passed in the House, the Keystone Pipeline bill will soon reach the Senate with both parties prepared to either vote for or against. Democrat Senators, now a minority, will fight against the bill so it would not reach President Obama. On the other hand, Republican Senators will plan a veto override once President Obama does veto the bill. However, Republicans predicting another gridlock government claim, "There’s a lot we can get done together if president puts his famous pen to use signing bills rather than vetoing legislation his liberal allies don’t like." Bill Hoagland, vice president of the Bipartisan policy center advises that President and Congress should work together in order to prevent another gridlocked and divided government in the future. 

Personally, as a pro-environment supporter, I agree with President Obama vetoing the bill and I hope that Keystone Pipeline would never be enacted since it will cause a lot of environmental damage. Moreover, I see Republicans as hypocrites. It is ridiculous that they expect Democrats to participate when they were the ones that attempted to prevent every Democrat agenda previously. This relates to ch.13 since it deals with legislative process and the creation of a bill. 


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Cuomo to Propose 2 New Minimum Wages, for New York City and State

Hye Min Shin
January, 19, 2015
AP Government

Cuomo to Propose 2 New Minimum Wages, for New York City and State

 Democrat Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo in NY proposed a proposition to raise NY's average hourly income to $11.50 in NY city and to $10.50 in other suburban areas. Noticing the widening wealth gap and rising living standard, he announced that higher income rate is necessary for people to reside in NY. With boosting economy and stock market, he believes that this is possible. He claimed past Sunday (right before Martin Luther King's birthday) NY Senate, which is Republican based, has yet approved it. However with his proposal gaining numerous support from NY state worker's union and other various organizations, this could become a reality. 

I believe that new minimum wage is necessary everywhere. The standard of living rises every day for some reason. Frankly, I have seen prices double since last year and yet the minimum wage only rose by a dollar. This is unacceptable in my opinion. If the standard of living were to rise, so should the minimum wage. This upsets me. This relates to chapter 10 and 12 because depending on how State Senate Republicans react to this proposal, their chance of winning in NY could be affected. More middle-class independents may turn Democrats as a result. If successful, Andrew M. Cuomo may have easier time campaigning and gaining individual donations in the next election. 
