Sunday, November 2, 2014

Invest now or face 'irreversible' effects of climate change, U.N. panel warns

Invest now or face 'irreversible' effects of climate change, U.N. panel warns

Hye Min Shin
November 02, 2014
Ch. 4 & Ch.7

        Though many people like John Coleman (a weatherman) disagrees, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and people like Danny Kenny, a CEO of weather channel, claims that global warming exists. IPCC reports earth is gradually warming up and will be up to 4.8 degrees Celsius (8.6 Fahrenheit) warmer in 2100 if gas emission level stays the same. After multiple research and ample data, IPCC blames human as a cause of global Warming. It strongly recommends all nations to enforce environmental policies that could limit the global warming. Right now, our goal lies on maintaining the global warming under 2 degrees Celsius increase. IPCC believes the goal could be achieve by using renewable energy and focusing on increased efficiency. 
       I do believe global warming is a grave issue that needs people's support all around the world. Yet, people fail to take this seriously, especially large companies and Republicans. It appears that their profit concerns them more than the global conflict. This relates to Ch.4 and Ch.7 since public is significantly divided on the environmental issues. Democrats [liberals] tend to push for harsher environmental policies unlike Republicans [conservatives] who tend to oppose Democrats on this issue. However once polls demonstrate more support for environmental policies, Republicans may change their position. 


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