Monday, December 22, 2014

Two N.Y.P.D. Officers Are Killed in Brooklyn Ambush; Suspect Commits Suicide

Hye Min Shin
AP Government
December 21, 2014

Two N.Y.P.D. Officers Are Killed in Brooklyn Ambush; Suspect Commits Suicide

On December 21, another police murder case has been recorded in Brooklyn, NY. Ismaaiyl Brinsley, who expressed his disdain about Eric Gardner and Micheal Brown cases, pulled out a gun and shot two police men: Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, sitting in the car. After shooting them in their heads and upper bodies which killed the officers right away, Brinsley made a run and eventually committed a suicide. 
Though Mayor Bill de Blasio, who previously allowed anti-police protests to continue, expressed his sympathy and condolences to these men, N.Y.P.D. severely criticized and blamed him for this tragic event. As Mayor made his way to the "anews" conference, numerous police officers turned their backs on him, facing the walls. Patrick Lynch, the head of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, claimed, “That blood on the hands starts on the steps of City Hall, in the office of the mayor.” 

The tension between police and protesters is increasing everyday. I believe this problem is negatively affecting innocent people all around the nation and harming the national security as a result. Yes, policemen have been forceful in previous cases and protesters can attempt to change the system. However, use of violence is not a good way to do so, in my opinion. Now, police may take grudge and become more unyielding and violent.
This issue may be discussed in future elections. I believe the Democrat and the Republican parties will be split, with Democrats siding with the protesters and the Republicans siding with the police force. If it ever becomes an issue, voter turnout for midterm elections may rise since states are responsible of their police management.


Monday, December 15, 2014

‘Superbugs’ Kill India’s Babies and Pose an Overseas Threat

Hye Min Shin
December 14
AP Government

‘Superbugs’ Kill India’s Babies and Pose an Overseas Threat

In India, thousands of babies are dying due to "superbugs" that have grown resistance to antibiotics. Because people in India are exposed to filthy living conditions, they tend to contract diseases and bacteria easily. Due to prevalence of diseases, pharmaceutical companies sell antibiotics to anyone, without prescriptions. As a result, mutated bacteria that could resist antibiotics spread throughout India, killing thousands. Babies, who lack strong immune system, appear to be a common target. This poses a threat to the national security since spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria could threaten people all around the world and could lead to deaths of millions. In order to prevent this phenomenon, companies are advised to, “crack down on inappropriate antibiotic use in developing countries” and limit or stop “India’s industrialized animal husbandry, where antibiotics are widespread." Dr. Paul, chief of pediatrics at India Institute and the leader of research strongly believes Indian government should enforce more regulations regarding people’s sanitation and public health. 

I believe this problem is very concerning since these "Superbugs" could spread and kill people all around the world. For a problem that has such simple solution: improve sanitation and provide safe drinking water, the consequences seem to harsh. I hope people will help tackle this problem down before it becomes a national conflict. I wish another 3rd party regarding national health could rise and demonstrate to public how important it is to fix health threatening problems in other nations. 


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Political Cartoon

Hye Min Shin
November 15, 2014
Political Cartoon

In the recent election, Democrat candidates distanced themselves from President Obama. Since  approval rate of President Obama's policies has plummeted significantly, Democrat candidates may have wanted to separate themselves from President Obama.
However, if Democrats don't even trust their leader and do not show confidence in their party, who would want to vote for Democrats? Frankly, this just shows division and dysfunction within the party. In my opinion, instead of distancing themselves from the president, they should have attempted to improve their image by working together.

Recent mid-term election was very unfortunate. The voter turnout appeared very low; majority of Republican candidates won their place in Congress. With them, hopes for environmental and immigration reforms are very low.

If President Obama plans to win his third election, he should attempt to improve his ratings. (and to win my vote, he should work very hard towards either the environmental or immigration reform. )


Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Strategy for Rich Countries: Absorb More Immigrants

Hye Min Shin
CH.4 and 7 or Ch.8
November 9, 2014

A Strategy for Rich Countries: Absorb More Immigrants

         Until now, people failed to acknowledge immigration as an important economic issue. However, a new research  claims that absorbing immigrants into rich countries will help boost their economy. Right now, numerous wealthy countries experience a constant decline in their birth rate. This means that fewer, younger generation would need to provide more for larger, older population, which would eventually create a deficit and would prevent economic welfare ( this phenomenon is happening in Japan, where younger generation are expected to pay more to take care of growing older generation).United Nation researcher, Patrick Gerland, advises that in order to prevent this phenomenon, rich countries should either attempt to raise the birth rate or attract immigrants into their countries. He believes that the latter would really help balance World's generally growing population and aid in solving other problems such as environmental issues. 

          This is new idea that I haven't been exposed to. For now I am one of those people who are little skeptical of this research but I can understand why a decline in birth rate may result in economic problems. This relates to Ch.4 and Ch.7 since immigration is one of the issues that Republicans and Democrats are divided on. If people begin to see validity of this research, I believe that polling may change to favor Democrats who will more willing to encourage immigration than Republicans. It appears that Republicans (with their opposition to immigration and environmental reforms) are short-sighted and fail to focus on long-term benefits. 

           This relates to Ch. 8 since with so many immigrants, the election turnout may decrease even more. It has been said that minorities such as Hispanics and African Americans tend to vote less than European Americans do. Thus, more immigrants may lead to lesser people voting. Truly, this immigration issue may be related to recent national turnout of 36%. It appears that there is a negative correlation between # of immigrants and # of people voting. As population of immigrants constantly increase (Hispanics: the fastest growing population of America), the voting turnout is gradually decreasing.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Invest now or face 'irreversible' effects of climate change, U.N. panel warns

Invest now or face 'irreversible' effects of climate change, U.N. panel warns

Hye Min Shin
November 02, 2014
Ch. 4 & Ch.7

        Though many people like John Coleman (a weatherman) disagrees, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and people like Danny Kenny, a CEO of weather channel, claims that global warming exists. IPCC reports earth is gradually warming up and will be up to 4.8 degrees Celsius (8.6 Fahrenheit) warmer in 2100 if gas emission level stays the same. After multiple research and ample data, IPCC blames human as a cause of global Warming. It strongly recommends all nations to enforce environmental policies that could limit the global warming. Right now, our goal lies on maintaining the global warming under 2 degrees Celsius increase. IPCC believes the goal could be achieve by using renewable energy and focusing on increased efficiency. 
       I do believe global warming is a grave issue that needs people's support all around the world. Yet, people fail to take this seriously, especially large companies and Republicans. It appears that their profit concerns them more than the global conflict. This relates to Ch.4 and Ch.7 since public is significantly divided on the environmental issues. Democrats [liberals] tend to push for harsher environmental policies unlike Republicans [conservatives] who tend to oppose Democrats on this issue. However once polls demonstrate more support for environmental policies, Republicans may change their position. 


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Russian hackers exploit Windows to spy on West

Hye Min Shin
October 19, 2014
Ch.3 Federalism

Russian hackers exploit Windows to spy on West

Few months ago, an intelligence team, ISight Partners, found a hacking device in Windows, which is responsible for 68% of internet users. By sending a trigger email ' a power point for a terrorist watch list of pro-Russian separatists' to government officials and scholars in different nations such as Ukraine, America, France and others, the hackers " Sand-Worm Team" targeted to hack important personal emails and documents. Luckily, ISight Partners was able to discover the source to be Russian hackers since they failed to properly cover their tracks. Although Russian government denies to comment on the issue, from the details and contents of stolen information ISight Partners assume Sand-worm Team to have originated from Russian government. Until now, Russia has been blamed to hack into other finance companies in America.

This is a growing issue for everyone in America. The fact that our personal information could be hacked by outside forces is very concerning and irritating. Although President Obama, exploiting the Necessary and Proper Clause, has issued Data Defending, which invades privacy, that is understandable since it was a means to secure national defense against terrorist and other crimes. However, now that Russian or other foreign spies attempt to rob data from U.S. citizens and companies, the government should take measures to prevent such crimes, for example by improving the defense for networks.


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Texas Nurse who had Worn Protective Gear Tests Positive for Ebola

Hye Min Shin
October 12, 2014
Ch.3 - Federalism

Texas Nurse who had Worn Protective Gear Tests Positive for Ebola

Shortly after the first person diagnosed with Ebola passed away, news about its second victim surfaced at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. Although the person remains unknown to public for now, the officials involved have identified the person as the nurse of the first victim...
She was claimed to have worn the protective gears at all times  in the sight of the victim, but people assume that "there was a breach in protocol, which resulted in the infection." Now, Texas health department claims to be examining the case scrupulously, with the local police and fire department attempting to ward off and sterilize the contaminated areas. However, it admitted that the procedure is difficult and will take some time.

I cannot trust Texas with Ebola cases any more. Not only did it failed to carefully examine the first victim on his first visit, but also it failed to contain Ebola virus and stop it from spreading. This is a grave issue and so far it has been responsible for over 4000 deaths world-wide. Yet, it appears that Texas fails to understand the seriousness of this problem. (It is trying to fix the barn after the cow has left.)
This issue relates to federalism since the power to regulate health services and hospitals is granted to the states. Even with Ebola virus that could eventually threaten the welfare of nation, federal government cannot directly become involved with it yet because it lacks the power to do so. However since the report does indicate, "A White House official told CNN that Homeland Security Adviser Lisa Monaco briefed President Obama on the second Dallas Ebola case," I believe any further spreading will induce the federal government to butt in.


Sunday, October 5, 2014

In Colorado, a Rebranding of Pot Inc.

Hye Min Shin
October 05, 2014
Unit 3
In Colorado, a Rebranding of Pot Inc.
In Colorado, one of two states that legalized marijuana, numerous pot industries are diligently working to transform the negative stereotypes regarding marijuana. Cannabrand, one agency claims despite marijuana's benefits many people only associate it as drugs used by "lazy men, rolling joints in their parents’ basement, covered in Doritos crumbs." Although many people changed their opinions nowadays and advocate for the legalization of marijuana in other states, still the pot culture as a whole fails to garner enough support. Founders of Cannabrand believe that with replacement of negative terms that refer to marijuana with positive ones and with proper, successful advertisements, they may successfully alter people's mind and foster confidence of its users. 

Personally, I refuse to advocate for marijuana legalization because I believe its drawbacks outweigh its benefits. Frankly, I wish that legalization of marijuana could be one of the issues governed by federal government. However, since it is not specified in the Constitution, states by tenth amendment have the power to regulate it. Unless the use of marijuana directly concerns the welfare of most citizens or the nation, the federal government will be forbidden to interrupt in state's affairs. 


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Turkey Inching Toward Alliance With U.S. in Syria Conflict

Hye Min Shin
September 28, 2014
Unit 2
Turkey Inching Toward Alliance With U.S. in Syria Conflict

With relentless attacks near its border and with the U.S. government pushing for its involvement, Turkey finally renounced its neutrality and agreed to help U.S. defending the Kurd. Previously, Turkey refused to be involved in the war between the Kurd and the Islamic fighters; while accepting streams of Kurd refugees, the officers guarding its borders had strictly prohibited the Kurd men from leave Turkey to fight against the fighters. At the time, its government disapproved of aiding the Kurd since the Kurdish military was involved with the terrorist groups and Syrian Kurd was connected with Kurdish separatists in Turkey. However after observing the cruelties of Islamic fighters and after succeeding in bringing the Turkish hostages back from ISIS, it resolved to side with the Kurd. Perhaps with a different purpose, to "crush or dissolve the Syrian Kurdish autonomous zone,"Turkey may be approaching the war but it shares the same goal with the United States: to eliminate ISIS.

Now with Turkey on board, I believe that the war with ISIS will be hopefully different from before. Since it is directly involved unlike United States which is half the globe away, it could cause a decent damage to the Islamic fighters. With U.S.'s weapons and airstrikes combined with the Turkish force, the ISIS will suffer and struggle more than they did before.
This relates to Unit 2 since it concerns the enumerated powers. ISIS declared war on the U.S. and therefore, the United States government is using its power to counter ISIS and to persuade Turkey to help the United States.
